By all accounts the Rotary Games night held on Friday February 1st was a resounding success. 20 + Rotarians, their families and Rotaracters showed up to play a variety of games.
Some enjoyed the evening more that others.
Rob was unbeatable in Left, Centre, Right as he won two straight games. The ultimate happiness must go to Lesley as she won not once, but two times during the night. 
The big win was for the weekly 50-50, this week worth over $300. Looking fo the Queen of Spades, that is exactly what she drew, ending weeks of unsuccessful drawings. If that were not enough, she won a bonus draw that Patricia orchestrated to aid her next trip to South Africa. Where there are winners, there is usually losers.
In this department, Sandy failed to draw the Ace of Spades in the new 50-50 weekly draw and Mariah was faced with pizza which is not on her diet.
As for the games the following pictures show the various games and activities contributing to a fun evening.
The evening concluded with the Rotaract Club presenting our club with a cheque for $200 + resulting from a cookie sale. President Louise is shown accepting the cheque.