Dianne was in the chair and the meeting opened with (for once) the basses and tenors dominating the singing of “O Canada.”  The President noted with satisfaction that members had actually done what she told them last week and varied where they sat and who they sat with.
Next Week:  Chair: Trish;   Intro: David;   Thanks: John;   Greeter: Wynn;   Speaker: Liam Keliher -  “Steve Jobs: A Difficult Genius.”  We will be hosts to 14 members of the Amherst club !
Twelve of the new style Rotary aprons (with the new Rotary logo) are available at $25 each.  See one modeled by Joyce (below left).  In the 50-50 draw Joyce’s number was drawn but she failed to find the King of Spades; the jackpot now stands at $66.
Wynn (below right) took over as auctioneer for the annual in-house auction.  He assured us that the auctioneer has to look different: see for yourself.
Today’s auction was sponsored by the Rotary Foundation Committee with the proceeds going to the final drive to eliminate polio.  Committee chair David provided a PowerPoint presentation as a background to the auction reminding us of the need to “END POLIO NOW.”
A wide selection of items was up for grabs. 
The bidding was fast and furious and Wynn moved things along so smartly that we finished just on the 8:30 a.m. mark.
After the auction those present gathered for a group photo (to be used for publicity in the local press re the polio campaign).
The meeting ended with the Four Way Test.