Photographer: Pam Harrison
Dianne chaired the meeting and welcomed visiting Rotarians Don Lockhart, President of the Port Elgin Club and Marilyn Prescott, Rotary Foundation chair.  Also welcomed was District Governor Wayne Wornes (below left) who was on an “unofficial visit”; he mentioned the Rotary Training Workshop being held next weekend at Presque Isle for Area One clubs.  A similar workshop will be held for clubs in our area next spring.
50/50 Draw: Jamie (below right) had the right number but drew the wrong card which he was quick to tear up.  The pot stands at $16.
Pin Pal Story:  While at the Halifax Forum Christmas market Sandy and Wayne were delighted when Chloe MacIsaac (2011-12 RYE student to Bruges, Belgium) recognized them and came over for a chat.  Chloe is attending Mount St. Vincent University.
Gold Mine Cheques: Leslie Reid came along to collect a cheque for $464 and to say thanks on behalf of Open Sky.
Held over from last week:  Elaine Smith accepted a cheque for $434 on behalf of the Sackville Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Happy Dollars:  Dianne was happy to have spent Remembrance Day in Miramichi with her 90 year old father, a World War II veteran.   Jamie was glad to announce that this week’s Gold Mind Draw pot will be over $3,600.   Trish was happy to make it to Rotary this morning after a three week absence.   Ove is heading out to Edmonton to visit two amazing grandchildren.   Susan F will be away for the next two weeks in Bermuda (someone has to go).   Susan P is delighted that Cape Jourimain now owns the lighthouse; all they have to do is move it.  Marilyn Prescott was happy to be with us; she is heading for Barbados.   Pam drew attention to a project to plant 117,000 trees (one for every Canadian soldier killed in action) along the Highway of Heroes in Ontario; see 
Next Week:  Chair: Dale;  Intro: Guylaine;  Thanker: Louise;  Greeter: Dianne; Speakers: Kavana Wa Kilele and Keith Nicholson, Sackville Refugee Response Coalition.
Youth:  Susan F outlined plans to send a high school student to Adventures in Citizenship in Ottawa next May.  A motion to fund this up to $1,200 was passed.
Projects:  Dale and John are working on a project to establish a campground possibly in Beech Hill Park.  A meeting with Town staff showed that the Town would be prepared to support this effort.
Grocery Cards:  Pam reported sale of $1000 worth of cards this morning which = $50 for the club.  Remember - everyone has to eat !
President’s Time:  Dianne has sent out a notice regarding a strategic planning session to be held on Saturday 30 January; more details to follow.  Club elections will be held in two weeks time; nominations still needed for position of President Elect.
Speaker: Charlie gave a PowerPoint presentation on “Introducing the Rotary Foundation”.
After a brief survey of the history of the Foundation he outlined Polio Plus, District and Global Grants, Rotary Peace Centres, the three funds (Polio Plus, Annual Fund, Endowment Fund), Donor Recognition and how to give to the Foundation (see
Dianne thanked Charlie
then joined Pam in modeling the standard wear (front and back) for polio immunization workers in Nigeria (courtesy of Melissa Corkum).
Pam and David (members of the Rotary Foundation committee) distributed collection jars; now you know where to put your loose change.
The meeting closed with the Four-Way Test.