Rotary Club of Sackville
Weekly Bulletin
April 14, 2011
Club Assembly
Ken Draper as President
Out of Order #1
Sandy managed to corral everyone present for a Club photograph and
no one was evidently hurt although we unhappily missed a number of
absent members.
Visiting Rotarians
Out of Order #2
The Chair invited Club Historian Charlie Scobie to speak, and we quote
verbatim his words:
Exactly 80 years ago today, on 14 April 1931, a group of seventeen business and professional
people in Sackville met in Miss Sprague’s Tally Ho Tea Room in College Place and resolved
unanimously to form a Rotary Club in Sackville. They wired Rotary headquarters in Chicago and
the following day received this message from Rotary International: One Hundred and Fifty-Five
Thousand Rotarians throughout world welcome formation Sackville Club. We became Rotary
Club #3452.
Of course the way had been prepared by a number of earlier meetings, at the urging of members
of the Rotary Club of Moncton (our parent club), one in December 1930, and a second one
earlier in April 1931.
But today, 14 April, is the first of three stages of our anniversary - the decision to for a Rotary
Club in Sackville. The second will be celebrated in two weeks time on 29 April (the day of the
wine-tasting). That was the first regular luncheon meeting of the club. They forsook the Tally Ho
Tearoom, and met at the Sunny Side Tea Room on Charles Street. Incidentally, the club did not
last long there either. By June 1931 the proprietress, a Mrs. Strain, proposed raising the cost of
the weekly lunch from 50 cents to 65 cnts; that prompted a move to the hiull Top In n on Main
Our third anniversary celebration - the more official one - comes on 2 June. It was on 2 June 931
that the club received its charter at a banquet held in the Mount Allison Ladies’ College. Some 40
visiting Rotarians were present, and Moncton, as the sponsoring club, presented the new club
with a Rotary bell and gavel which are still in use.
That’s the official anniversary that we will be celebrating on the evening of thursday 2 June
2011. Fourscore years is a good age, and I hope we all have 2 June circled in our calendars. A
fitting celebration is planned and it will include the launch of a new history of the club in which
you will be able to read more about its beginnings, and all the way up to what’s been happening
in 2011.
From the decision to a form a Rotary Club in Sackville, to its first meeting, to its receiving its
charter as a member of Rotary International - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Sackville Rotary!
Guests of Rotarians
David son of Susan (Coish, that is)
Members, Fundraising Committee
None Anniversaries None
Pin Pal Stories
Diane and Pam had stories
50/50 Draw
Dale $16
Happy Dollars
Diane happily told of a terrific holiday south of here
Bruno reported on the state of health of Laura Fox
Wayne was happy to be visiting his granddaughter
Ken announced with a happy PSA the upcoming ScotiaBank Cake
Next Week
Greeter Gayle Chair Ken
Introducer Bruno Thanker Diane
Speaker Paulina will give her RYE Talk
Committee Reports
Membership: Dale handed out information on membership and new
member mentors
Wine/Beer Evening: SELL SELL SELL
Upcoming Meetings
See the Events Calendar on Club Runner for
Projects Committee and Wine/Beer Evening Committee meetings
President’s Time
Ken recounted the many, many ways that volunteering is good for the
volunteer herself as well as the cause: connects us with others, strengthens
our ties with our community, develops social skills, brings fun into our
lives, and, for seniors, it keeps us out of trouble. It’s healthy for body,
mind and soul.
With the recitation of the Four Way Test, we adjourned.